Already Lodged Your Application


Advocacy Assistance

If you have already lodged your unfair dismissal remedy application, you will soon be issued with a ‘notice of listing’ that gives you the time and date of your conciliation. Then, soon after you will receive the reply or F-3 from the employer. 

By lodging the application yourself, you have done well to initiate the proceeding. However, unless you have any industrial or legal training, it is unlikely that you have correctly articulated the breaches of the specific part of the Fair Work Act that the employer will have to deal with before the Fair Work Commission.


The unfair dismissal remedy application is the first shot fired in your attempt to achieve a dignified end to the employee/employer relationship. For an application to be effective, it must clearly show the employer what laws have been broken, what legislation has been breached and how much compensation they are potentially liable to pay. Without these key ingredients, the employer, with the help of their HR department or legal advisor, will have little difficulty defending your claim.

If you have already lodged an unfair dismissal remedy application by way of the online lodgement service provided by the Fair Work Commission, it is not too late to engage one of our professionals to file supplementary information and fortify your claim. At the same time, we will express to the employer that you mean business.

A Man with a Wooden Hammer and Block with Letters Saying Fine — Unfair Dismissal Solutions in Australia
Shake Hands — Unfair Dismissal Solutions in Australia

Enlist Our Support

Without assistance, you face the prospect of being confronted at conciliation by a lawyer, trained HR practitioner, managing director or boss. They will have little trouble discrediting a poorly drafted and presented application, especially if it has little relevance to the Fair Work Act of 2009. Once the conciliation begins, you have between 5 and 10 minutes to clearly point to the breaches of the Fair Work Act and describe the remedy you seek.

When you enlist the support of 4 Unfair Dismissal, we make the process simple and act as your advocates, so you don’t have to be confronted at conciliation. Call Jamie and the team on 0419 774 330. We’re provide support to clients, wherever they are in Australia, including QLD, VIC and WA.

Professional Assistance

For the best possible outcome, please contact us at 4 Unfair Dismissal on 0419 774 330 or use our online contact form to seek professional assistance. This will almost certainly determine the outcome of your case as well as compensation. On top of this, our team can help you understand what’s possible – so you know which outcome to shoot for.

A Couple with A Lawyer — Unfair Dismissal Solutions in Australia
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