Jamie Hawkins LLB is 49 years old has been married for 28 years, with two children and expertise in industrial relations. Jamie is the principal of 4 Unfair Dismissal and is an Industrial Advocate/Consultant/Mediator with a law degree from Bond University. Jamie has a specialisation in corporations law and has studied industrial relations law and alternative dispute resolution as a postgraduate. He also served as State Secretary and primary Industrial Advocate for a 2700 member union of employees.
After some time in family law, Jamie began representing employees and employers at The Fair Work Commission in QLD, VIC, WA and other regions across Australia. This has become his specialty after being involved in many proceedings since sweeping changes were made to The Fair Work Act in 2009.
Drafting effective unfair dismissal remedy applications, creating effective arguments and presenting them to the Fair Work Commission on behalf of employees and employers is Jamie’s passion. He has had numerous clashes at the Fair Work Commission, with both unscrupulous employers and troublesome employees. Jamie has a knack for achieving outcomes well above the expectation of his clients.
Knowing the rules of the Fair Work Commission and the boundaries of the Fair Work Act of 2009 means he is well placed to give you a professional and honest case appraisal before you engage the services of one of our experienced Advocates or Consultants.
When you call 4 Unfair Dismissal on 0419 774 330, you will speak to a professional with many years of industrial advocacy experience – not an operator or secretary. Jamie is always able to understand your exact situation clearly, no matter how difficult or complicated it may seem. He will drill down to the most important issues and clearly present your case, defending your rights whether you are an employee or employer.
Your satisfaction is our primary concern.
4 Unfair Dismissal offers a range of payment options that make taking action very affordable. Please call Jamie Hawkins on 0419 774 330, to find out more about our payment options.
Be aware that those offering a no win no fee payment options will usually fall into two categories.
The first category of no win, no fee practitioners are those that take on every single case presented to them and submit a pre-prepared cookie cutter F-2 Application, do absolutely no preparation and simply make themselves available for your conciliation. But remember, they get paid first and often there is little left for you at the end. If they lose, they do not care as they wasted very little time on your circumstances.
The second category of no win, no fee practitioners are those that will only take your case if there is almost no chance your case will fail. These practitioners again must do very little to win the case and at the end, you will be charged a substantial premium for them investing time before they are paid. Remember, they are paid first and at times there is very little left from your win.
For these reasons, Jamie Hawkins LLB will chat with you and give you an honest and free case appraisal before you decide to engage our services. Once you are happy to proceed, we have several conciliation payment options to suit every need.
The ‘no win, no fee’ offered by 4 Unfair Dismissal is a genuine offer that guarantees you will receive full service professional advice, consultation, preparation and advocacy. If you do not achieve a win by gaining the right to resign, a Statement of Service, a non-disparagement agreement or some financial compensation, then there will be NO FEE. All of your fee will be 100% refunded.
8:30am – 5pm
8:30am – 5pm
8:30am – 5pm
8:30am – 5pm
8:30am – 5pm
9:00am – 12pm